Terms and Conditions

When requesting services from zumuruda International Shipping, you, as the “Shipper,” agree to abide by these
terms and conditions on behalf of yourself, the recipient of the shipment (“Consignee”), and any other party with
an interest in the shipment.

Unacceptable Shipments:

A shipment is considered unacceptable if it contains:
1. Complete firearms, ammunition, explosives, explosive devices, test pieces, air guns, exact or replica copies of
firearms, counterfeit or imitation goods, cash, alloys (of any precious metals), live animals, prohibited animal parts
or remains, such as ivory or human remains, ashes, gemstones, semi-precious stones, hemp or its derivatives, or
illegal goods, including narcotics or other unauthorized drugs.

These items are classified as hazardous materials, dangerous goods, prohibited materials, or restricted materials
according to the European Road Transport Regulations concerning dangerous goods, the International Air Transport
Association (IATA), or the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

“Delivery and Non-Deliverable Shipments:
Shipments cannot be delivered to post office boxes or postal codes. They will be delivered to the sender’s provided
address, not necessarily to the recipient personally. Shipments sent to addresses with central receiving areas will
be delivered to that area.

In cases where a shipment is deemed non-deliverable as outlined above, or if its value is diminished for customs
purposes and the recipient cannot be identified or located, or if the recipient refuses to accept the shipment or pay
customs duties or other charges, zumuruda International Shipping will make reasonable efforts to return the
shipment to the shipper, who must bear the cost of shipping (return shipping). If return is not possible, the
shipment may be released, abandoned, disposed of, or sold without any liability towards the shipper or any other
party. If the law prohibits returning the shipment to the shipper, whether fully or partially, zumuruda International
Shipping may destroy the shipment, including any hazardous goods.

zumuruda International Shipping reserves the right to open and inspect the shipment without prior notice for
reasons related to safety, security, customs, or other regulatory purposes. The shipper is responsible for the
accuracy of the data provided and recorded on the waybill and the contents.

Fees, Expenses, and Shipping Costs:

Zumuruda International Shipping calculates shipping fees based on either the actual or volumetric weight
(whichever is higher) per parcel. The consignee may be required to pay customs and other due fees before delivery
in the destination country.

Legal Liability of Zumuruda International Shipping:
Zumuruda International Shipping’s liability for any single shipment transported by air (including any additional road
transport or intermediate stops) is limited according to the Montreal Convention or the Warsaw Convention, or in
the absence of a similar convention, to either (1) the current or declared market value, or (2) a limit of 1 Special
Drawing Right (approximately 10 US dollars) per kilogram, whichever is lower. This limited liability also applies to all
other forms of transport except for cases of ground-only transportation, where the limits/conditions detailed below

For cross-border shipments transported by road, zumuruda International Shipping’s liability is limited or restricted
under the convention relating to the international carriage of goods by road to a minimum of (1) the current or
declared market value, or (2) 8.33 Special Drawing Rights per kilogram (approximately 11 US dollars) of weight.
These limits/conditions also apply to domestic road transport in the absence of mandatory or minimum liability
limits under applicable national transport law.

If the shipper deems the aforementioned limits insufficient, they must provide a special declaration of value along
with a request for insurance.

zumuruda International Shipping’s liability is limited to direct losses and damages to the shipment only, within the
kilogram limits stated in this section. All types of other losses or damages (including, but not limited to, loss of
profits, income, benefits, and future business) are excluded, whether such losses or damages are direct or indirect,
even if zumuruda International Shipping has been advised of the possibility of such losses or damages.

Zumuruda International Shipping will reasonably endeavor to deliver the shipment according to its regular delivery
schedules; however, these schedules are not binding and do not form part of the contract. zumuruda International
Shipping is not liable for any damages or losses arising from delays.”

“Force Majeure:
Zumuruda International Shipping is not liable for any losses or damages resulting from circumstances beyond its

control. These circumstances include, but are not limited to, customs seizures due to safety concerns or non-
compliance with regulations of the country of origin, destination, or transit; electrical, magnetic, image, data,

electronic, or photographic damage; as well as any defects or characteristics related to the nature of the shipment,
even if zumuruda International Shipping was aware of them. Additionally, any actions or negligence by persons
other than employees of zumuruda International Shipping or its contractors, such as the shipper, consignee, third
party (delivery and transportation personnel outside the scope of zumuruda International Shipping), customs, or
other government officials, including electronic/cyber breaches by third parties or other information security

Force Majeure – for example, earthquake, hurricane, storm, flood, fog, war, aircraft crash, embargo, riot, epidemic,
pandemic, civil disturbance, or strike.

Shipper’s Declarations, Warranties, and Indemnities:
The shipper must indemnify zumuruda International Shipping, its director, officer, employees, and agents for all
liabilities, losses, and damages arising from non-compliance with the following declarations and warranties:
– Properly preparing the shipment in secure locations by trustworthy individuals and protecting it from
unauthorized interference during preparation, storage, and transportation by any means of zumuruda International

  • Compliance by the shipper with export controls, sanctions, customs laws, regulations, or other regulatory
    requirements or restrictions relating to import, export, transit, or transport of goods.
  • The shipper notifying zumuruda International Shipping of any military or dual-use controlled goods included in
    the shipment, subject to government licenses, as well as compliance with relevant regulations.
  • Furnishing all information, permits, licenses, authorizations, and other government documents as required by
    applicable law or at the request of zumuruda International Shipping. All information, permits, licenses,
    authorizations, and other government documents provided by the shipper or its representatives must be accurate,
    complete, and truthful, including the value and description of the goods and information related to the shipper and

When providing personal data to zumuruda International Shipping, the shipper complies with its legal obligations
regarding the processing and sharing of such data, including informing relevant individuals that personal data, such
as email addresses and recipient mobile numbers, are necessary for completing the transportation, customs
clearance, and delivery process.

Route Selection:
The shipper agrees to all routing, redirection, or changes in the route, including the possibility of transferring the
shipment through intermediate stops.

Applicable Law:
Any dispute arising under or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the non-exclusive
jurisdiction of the courts of the country of shipment origin. The law of the country of shipment origin shall apply,
and the shipper submits to this jurisdiction without prejudice to any applicable law.”